Tooth Update


So back to my tooth. I’m thinking of adding a tab on my contents just for my tooth journey, as it’s proving to be a long ride.

It’s been 3 weeks and I’ve not suffered any pain at all, since the tooth was filled in from the previous appointment of the failed root canal.

From the two options I decided on the extraction. Once its gone at least I know the pain will never come back. With the Root Canal, there’s no guarantee that it’ll solve the problem.

I did have anxiety- not over the procedure because I knew I was going to a specialist, I knew the procedure will probably be the easiest I’ve ever had. I had anxiety because I knew would be in pain after, I was worried about how long the pain would last, and whether it would get infected or not.

I was actually quite pleased to be going to a specialist, as I knew the procedure would take 20 minutes maximum and the tooth would be out, rather than the one and a half hour it took at my last appointment.

Before I went in, I spoke to a girl sitting outside who was having 3 tooth taken out, and she had been here previously and although uncomfortable she was quite upbeat about it. That put me at ease. I was only having one taken out.

Once inside, I made sure I asked the dentist to make sure it was the right anaesthetic, and if my dentist had made him aware of my situation. He advised me he would give me the adrenaline and yes, he was made aware, and that was why she had sent me to him.

I did ask him again, that the adrenaline makes my bp go low and I end up collapsing and vomiting. He assured me that he was using the right one.

Should I ask you to guess what happened?

As soon as he put the first one in, my heart started palpitating. He assured me it was all normal, and it should take 2/3 minutes before it slows back down. He then put another 2 in, at the front and the side of my tooth.

Back at reception, I waited for the adrenaline to kick in and numb my tooth. And then….. It all started…

The room started spinning, I started spinning, I remember someone asking if i was ok, I said ‘no’. The floor beneath me was going further and further down, I was falling, my body started shaking. I heard them say ‘take her to the back’ I remember trying to get up, but the floor kept disappearing beneath me, I kept falling, I knew I was being dragged to a room in the back, I could feel eyes all over me.

At the back they lay me down, my body was shaking furiously, they asked if I’m cold. I was too hot. I said “hot, too hot”, I removed my jumper, my scarf. One of the ladies got me a cold wet towel and put on my forehead, it felt wonderful. I told her, she started to put over my eyes and my face, my body was still shaking.

They told me to open my eyes, I couldn’t do it, the ceiling was moving, and then I felt the bile in my throat, and the next minute I threw up…. All over the place. Like everywhere. Spluttered. It was awful. It felt like pregnancy and morning sickness all over again.

Do you want me to carry on? Because it doesn’t get better.

The end of it, well my tooth is still in my mouth, but how long before it starts hurting- we don’t know.

I do remember one of the ladies saying that I should be referred to the hospital, and why haven’t I been referred if this happens all the time. I’m really hoping for this.

I don’t remember much of what the dentist said, its all a blur, but there were talks of doctors, and waiting, and letters, and hospitals and operation.

I’ll have to call in and find out further on Monday.

This tooth situation really troubles me, its so horrible to have all eyes on you. I hate being helpless, I hate that people have to clean up after me, I hate that they have to look after me. I hate that my husband sees me in this state.

The hubby took a very tearful and disorientated me home, and I slept until the adrenline wore off, which was roughly 4 hours. Ive got up now, still feel a bit dizzy, but I’m talking and walking, and writing this. May need a couple more hours before I’m back to normal, and get through this trauma again.

There has to be another way. I can’t go through this again. And I can’t expect others to go through this also.

I Just needed a vent.

Remember me in your prayers

I’ll keep you all updated

Love and regards


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