…..I got Grey Hair and I Cannot lie…


Ok, so who saw the friends refrencing in the title? Who saw it? Who saw it? Tell me, tell me….

I just got excited. Friends are coming back for one more episode. They are coming back for an hour long episode! did you hear that?…. I’m so damn excited. I Actually jumped when I saw it …… Then I refused to believe it… then I went into Denial…… And then it was all over instagram- and the internet went crazy! And so did I. (Im still jumping)

I’m dead excited? Are you? …. It’s either going to be the best ever, or something that never should have happened…. We won’t know until we see it…. And see it I must!!!

So back to grey hairs. I’m ageing. I don’t like it. My once upon a time jet black locks- look tired, and dull and……. grey. Like my dry skin- I’m having trouble with this ageing thing. Big trouble.

I have two options, like the friends episode, either I’ll embrace it, or I’ll go through some mental episode.. aka mid life crisis… Good thing is you guys will be here with me, to witness it,…. Oh god. Is that Even good?

This post really isn’t about my grey hair, although it is, it really is, but generally more about ageing….. And my grey hair …

I will call it……. Ageing gracefully

No Nonsense Bullsheesh (Kebabs. because I don’t like swearing)

When I was younger I use to wonder why older people were so shrewd, so self centrered, and selfish. Now I’m old(er) I want to be all those things rolled into one! Part of growing older, is also getting wiser. I would say I got wiser alot later than most people in life, because generally I am was a more naive and generally forgiving person. (The thing about studying psychology is, Evan when your hurt, you try and figure out why the other person wants to hurt you, rather than feeling the hurt itself).

Its the lessons in life, and people in life that teach you to become more selfish, self centered and shrewd. Almost like a ‘survival of the fittest’ approach. So my number one motto for ageing gracefully, is taking a ‘ no nonsense’ approach to bullsheesh ( kebabs).


Do you sometimes feel low? unhappy? annoyed? generally miserable?….. think about what you were doing before you felt this way. And what it was that made you feel this way. More often then not these feelings come into place after you have spent time with negative people. Once you have recognised a negative person, stay away from them. Always think Positive, and be thankful for all life throws at you. You whole outlook in life will change….. and it will also keep the wrinkles at bay…


Scientists have found that too much stress can make our hair white, and unfortunately it doesnt go back to black once the stress is gone (now wouldn’t that be cool?) But how can stress be avoided? With lifes trial and tribulations it cant. It really can’t. But there are ways to manage and handle stress, whether its Yoga, Meditation, Power Nap or just switching off all the technology and going for a walk. Do what suits you….. But Do it and Handle it!

Over- Indulgence

Up to the age of 33, I had the flattest stomach ever. Now alongside my grey hair, my dry skin, my temper, my hormones, my stomach was feeling left out- so its joined the ageing team and popped out. I just cannot eat as I use too, without feeling bloated. My diet is awful! always has been, but as Age increases the Diet has to be looked at, not just for the sake of the stomach, the wrong diet affects hair, teeth, skin, health….everything!

Over Indulgences will be kept only for special occasions…. and special occasions start on fridays? right? every friday? No. No. No. Dont do it. Birthdays and Weddings only, ok?! OK?

Mental Health

Theres a medical term for being scared of ageing. Did you know that? its called ‘Gerascophobia’– mainly to do with being lonelier as you grow older and coming to terms with the fact that the body and health can and will change. Im already feeling it. I know im going to struggle with this, because all it takes is for me to feel tired after a shopping trip and I go into melt down. (God help my hubby and kids…. and make them patient to endure me)

So my strategy is to embrace it, and take things more easier, and acknowledge that errands may take longer, illnesses may take longer to overcome, and shopping trips…… well we can go away for a whole weekend and enjoy it instead.

And im going to start all this by…. dyeing my hair. Im thinking BLUE, Blacks abit boring now……… see… mid life crisis fully on way!!

Love and Regards


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